Week 22 - a week behind.....again!
At 11 inches...the length of a spaghetti squash....and almost one pound, Baby D is starting to look like a mini newborn....in this pic he looks more like a Halloween treat, but in my mind, Baby D looks like a Mini Jeff : )
His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds between his gums.
Weddings and Pregnancy
I love weddings! I always have. It's a night out....you get to wear a cute outfit....you get to hang with your friends....and you get to let loose, drink, and dance.....oh wait - I can't drink!! One major downer to weddings while being pregnant!!! I'm not saying I have to drink to have a good time, but a nice glass of wine wouldn't hurt to get me on the dance floor! The pic below is from the last wedding we went to - Congrats Caitlin and Chris!! <3 What a fun night....but it was def fun in a different way for me. For one....I appreciated the food way more then I normally do! I'm usually too busy socializing while drinking my Pinot Grigio. This time I could spot a new waitress with a new tray of appetizers a mile away! They had at least 15 different types of apps - I've never seen anything like it! Yummo! Another thing that kept me entertained was just observing! Watching their families on the dance floor simply blew me away. There were people of all ages really showing some moves!! I really hope that when I'm 80 I'm still busting a move out there on the floor.

Jeff put together the crib in the recent weeks! I also ordered the bedding to see if the colors would go. Not bad! The greens are a little off, but it's def doable! Next on my list is ordering the Chinese lanterns, brown adhesive dots for one wall and a nice white bureau unit.
I like this bureau from Jordan's.
I also like these chairs. I'm hoping to get one of these for our Master Bedroom.
and then this one for the nursery!
Daddy seems to like it too! ; )
How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total so far....10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Loving my new maternity skinny jeans!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: my new bedmate = pillow!
Best moment this week: feeling little flutters
Have you told family and friends: Yes....and now all of my students know : )
Miss Anything? not this week
Movement: I think! It's so hard to tell, but I def feel things I haven't experienced.
Food cravings: not really
Anything making you queasy or sick: the dishwasher
Have you started to show yet: the bump is quite obvious now
Gender prediction: It's a BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: trying to stay calm, cool, and collective
Weekly Wisdom: Take deep breaths
Looking forward to: Oct. 18th appt to hear heartbeat again