Wednesday, November 14, 2012

26 Weeks

which also means......
14 weeks left!

Baby D is the size of
a Head of LETTUCE

Every morning I get an email letting me know what to expect or weekly updates on baby to be. Here is mine from today.....

 "Notice your belly occasionally feeling really tight? That’s a contraction. Yup, already. Don’t freak out though -- your body is just practicing some tightening in preparation for labor. As long as the contractions aren’t steady or severe, you’re not in labor."

Did that just say the words contractions and labor??????


26 weeks also marked us at Election Day! The only part I really enjoyed about the elections was actually having the day off!

For all those that have been pregnant before you know what this is a picture of! was glucose test time! I was warned about this drink and how awful it is. I went in and they told me I had 10 minutes to drink it. I decided chugging was the best option. I chugged along and it wasn't even that bad. All it tasted like was a very sugary orange soda. The worst part was waiting the hour after for the actual blood work.

After the glucose test I decided to take advantage of the day and do some shopping.....for me! We have a wedding coming up, so Mama needed a new dress!! 
A couple weeks ago I blogged about the week of the "fat ass" Shopping really wasn't like that this time. I am starting to really enjoy the bump....the bigger....the better and easier to dress!
finding a cute, sexy dress in a maternity line is not easy!!
Everything maternity dress has a string/belt to it and makes you look incredibly "motherly." I don't want to look "motherly" and old at the wedding! I want to look and feel good!

I bought a black lace dress.....with a belt of course and I just wasn't crazy about it. It was just the best I could find and I had a feeling I wasn't going to find anything better. I decided to suck it up, buy it, and just funk it up with jewelry and shoes.
Shoes are a girls best friend!!! I love my shoes :  )

After the mall visit I needed to go to Target to get a few household items......all my girls know that you simply cannot go to Target and just pick up a few things! I ended up finding a super cute black dress in maternity for the wedding!! SCORE!! Big bonus that is was alot cheaper then the maternal lace one I had already gotten too. The dress is very form fitting and shows the bump perfectly.....even does not have a belt or tie!!! YES! I know you all want to see it, but you'll have to stay tuned for week 28 when the wedding takes place! I can't wait to celebrate Susan and Andrew <3

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total so far....18 pounds
Maternity clothes? Just bought more maternity sweaters.....
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: I'm def tired more, but sleeping is getting a little harder
Best moment this week: watching my belly move
Have you told family and friends: everyone knows....even strangers
Miss Anything? sushi
Movement: He does not stop moving!
Food cravings: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: it gets bigger by the day
Gender prediction: It's a BOY
Labor Signs: nope.....but noticing shortness of breath alot more
Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy and getting cranky at night : ) 
Weekly Wisdom: Embrace the belly!
Looking forward to: Baby classes

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