Saturday, December 22, 2012

32 Weeks

32 Weeks

I will admit that my entire pregnancy has been pretty easy....maybe too good to be true. On Thursday like a flip of a switch I went from feeling great to absolutely miserable. I don't know what happened, but on Thursday afternoon my entire body swelled up in a matter of what seemed like seconds. My toes were like little sausages, I couldn't get my rings off and my face felt really puffy. I thought maybe it was because I was on my feet all day long. I've been go, go, go lately with holiday festivities, shopping, concerts, and work.....I don't take much time to just sit and relax. My day wasn't done. I had to work after schools and then had another holiday party to attend. By the end of the night I was DONE!

I thought after a good night of sleep I would feel better in the morning.....not so much. The picture above was taken Friday may be the fakest smile I've ever seen on my face! It was "Holiday Spirit Day" at my school.....not so much spirit here, but I tried. I barely made it through the day. I had to even visit the school nurse. My blood pressure was very high and I had a feeling it was. I just wasn't feeling like my normal (and I say that very lightly) self.

Jeff met me at the doctor's after school....everything seemed fine. Baby D's heart rate was right on, the belly measured just fine and my blood pressure had gone down since the last time I took it. However, it was still high. After talking with the doctor she decided to run some tests. I don't know all of the results yet, but the nurse from the hospital called last night and said the words I dreaded....."BED REST." Really?? 2 days before Christmas Eve and I have to lay on the couch or bed and do nothing?! Oh boy! If my blood pressure wasn't already high knowing I can't finish my Xmas shopping puts me over the edge. She said just for the weekend, so I plan on listening to doctor's orders.....if I don't the hubster will def be on my case. It's just not easy doing nothing. Hopefully with a few days rest I will feel better before Christmas!!

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 28 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes.
Stretch marks? Not yet and hopefully never
Sleep: Now that I have the Snoogle we'll see
Best moment this week: any moment before Thursday :  )
Have you told family and friends: everyone knows....even strangers
Miss Anything? my rings
Movement: He does not stop moving!
Food cravings: nope, but I eat everything in sight, especially sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: I def can't hide it
Gender prediction: It's a BOY
Labor Signs: shortness of heartbeat......blood pressure and being swollen
Belly Button in or out? In....but moving out
Wedding rings on or off? Off :  (
Happy or Moody most of the time: since Thursday.....blah
Weekly Wisdom: Keep feet up
Looking forward to: Christmas!

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