Friday, January 4, 2013

33 Weeks

33 Weeks

Baby D weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark! He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. This week our baby boy is like a pineapple or a bag of flour! One website even told me to go to the grocery store and cradle a bag of flour to see how it feels....can you imagine walking down the aisle of Stop & Shop and seeing me rocking a bag of flour?


looking tired and big at 33 Weeks

Christmas this year was different on many levels.
First, just being 8 months pregnant is something different all on its own. I'm used to sitting on the floor playing Santa with passing out gifts and socializing here, there, and everywhere. Having to take it easy with doctor's orders was a little hard. Who wants to lay on a couch while everyone is up and about? is what I had to do. As much as I don't want to admit it I simply can't do the things I am used to doing anymore. Being on bed rest was so hard. I am so not a sit and do nothing type of person. I tried as much as I could, but I needed to do some things. When I felt good I would get up and move, but it didn't take long for my body to tell me to sit! Listen to your body!

Next, it is my last Christmas without a child! It is so crazy to think that next year we will have a 10 month old crawling, perhaps walking around getting into absolutely everything.

Another thing about this year is having my dad still here with home! It was tough going for awhile with all of his health issues and I don't think any of us knew what would happen. Honestly, we didn't really want to think about the what ifs. It def puts things into is number one! If you don't have family, what do you have? I am so thankful to have him home and on the mend.

Here we are...the original Woodman clan <3 Dad surrounded by his girls.

Best in the moment picture of my nephews! After box after box of clothes (how dare we buy them clothes?), games and toys we FINALLY got a huge smile out of them! 
Whoopie Cushions = priceless laughter from boys!

Our annual girl picture. Nana loves the belly! I can't wait to see her holding another baby! It's been a long time in between grandkids and I am excited to see her light up with joy with our little guy. She really is the best Nana.

Here we are! Last Christmas together as a couple! Next year we will be a Family <3
Before we have our little man, Jeff may have won the award for "Best Husband Ever." I don't mean to brag, but he really is the best and I feel so lucky to have him in my life and by my side. Christmas morning we woke up and opened our stockings. We agreed to just do stockings because we have a lot of baby stuff to buy before D-Day.....well he outdid himself completely. My last gift was a card and if you know me you know I am a huge card person! Jeff isn't a card person, so I know when I do get a card he put lots of effort into it. I opened it and there was a lot of writing...yup - tear central. I'll save the words for just us but the end of the writing were clues and in order to find the last part I had to go where our baby boy will rest.....CRIB! I jumped and much as a pregnant girl can run.....or waddle :  ) and went to the nursery. In his crib was an envelope with an itinerary for
New Year's weekend........Our BabyMoon <3 Best gift ever.....simply perfect! Next blog post will talk all about our last getaway together!

Yup....#1 Dad! As much as we have the Red Sox / Yankees rivalry I really am over the moon for Jeff to create this bond with our little man. Jeff is going to be an amazing father!

Did I mention that he is going to be a great dad?!?! Seeing him interact with his nieces, nephews and mine as well just makes me smile : )

How cute are they?

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 28 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes.
Stretch marks? Not yet but that belly button is getting pretty close to popping!
Sleep: Now that I have the Snoogle we'll see
Best moment this week: Christmas Surprise <3
Have you told family and friends: everyone knows....even strangers
Miss Anything? my rings!!
Movement: He does not stop moving and I love feeling him get the hiccups
Food cravings: nope, but I eat everything in sight, especially sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: The belly is getting rather big....I think I will even miss it once our little guy arrives
Gender prediction: It's a BOY
Labor Signs: shortness of heartbeat......blood pressure and being swollen
Belly Button in or out? my never ending innie is getting pretty dam close to popping
Wedding rings on or off? Off...
Happy or Moody most of the time: emotional!! 
Weekly Wisdom: Savor every moment!
Looking forward to: Our Baby Moon :  ) 

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