Week 20 = Half way there!!!!!!!
It's hard to believe I am now in month 5 of pregnancy! It has gone by pretty dam fast. This week Baby D is the size of:
I thought girls were supposed to be the dramatic ones?? Well...this little boy gave me quite the scare last Friday. While at work I noticed I had started bleeding - scary stuff! Needless to say...I completely 100% freaked out. "Is this normal?" "Am I miscarrying?" "What the hell is going on?"
Thanks to everyone I work with I was able to leave and get checked out. 4 hours, a doctors visit, and a hospital visit later I was relieved to know that everything was a-ok! Still not sure what really happened, but baby seemed quite happy swimming around during the ultrasound. The best noise that day...his heartbeat!!! Thank the Lord! I have never been so scared in my life! I think I also scared the beejesus out of people at work, my poor mom - if it's not my dad.....it's me....and the hubster! Sorry all! I'd put the little one in timeout, but he doesn't sit still!
One good thing that came out of it.....I got some more pics of baby to be!
Little Feet |
Proof that it's a boy
Doctors wanted me to take it easy this weekend after all the craziness, so I tried to do just that. When I got home that night I did go right to sleep. Then, I woke up the nest morning with my first pregnancy cold! YUCK! Jeepers.....after everything with my dad and this scare you'd think my body would be nice to me...but no. Instead it said....oh you're relaxed now? You're not running around like a chicken with it's head cut off?? Ok then....time for you to deal with something else!
A pregnancy cold seems different then just a regular cold for some reason. The difference.....it kicks your ass! You would think by now that some pregnant doctor would invent something that pregnant women can take when sick. Tylenol just doesn't cut it! I want the good medicated nose spray so I can breathe! I'd love some NyQuil so I could sleep! My funny TMI moment with this cold is sneezing and coughing. Who would have thought I would pee everytime I cough or sneeze?! TMI I know, but the best thing about this blog....it's about me and if you don't like the TMI moments then don't read it! I think it's funny! If you've been pregnant before you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. If you want to have a baby someday....you just wait for the weird things that happen to your body!
One thing I have been playing with while I'm "taking it easy" is the dreaded registry! Parts of it are fun....other parts are incredibly overwhelming. How many strollers are there out there anyway? All of my Mommy friends have been great! Thanks to all of you who sent emails, lists, and even lists with links to products!! You girls rock!
I really like this boy nursery......

At the moment, the nursery walls are green, but a very pale, pretty green.
I found this bedding on Target.com but I'm not sure if our green walls with go.

I need to buy something in order to play and plan with, but I'm thinking plain walls, fun polka dot accessories with the bedding, either these curtains or solid brown ones....add those chinese lanterns!! Love those instead of a mobile over the crib!
And here it is.....Jeff's Daddy Comment of the Week - unedited of course!
"I watched nine hours of football this past Sunday. Ok, maybe 10 ½ because of the replacement refs. As much as I enjoy watching football and can’t wait to do it alongside my son, the NFL wasn’t the highlight of my day. Kristin finally succeeded in dragging me to go apple picking before the 1pm games. It’s taken her 5 years, but she got me there. The farm we went to turned out to be pretty cool; I got a doughnut, apple cider and saw some baby goats. As we were walking back to the car Kristin told me the next time we go we’ll be pushing a stroller. How crazy is that? After this little trip I can honestly say I can’t wait to start taking these little family weekend trips to parks and zoos; I just also hope that the G-Men have a lot of night games next year!"
Week 20 Survey: |
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total so far....9 pounds
Maternity clothes? Loving my new maternity skinny jeans!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: my new bedmate = pillow!
Best moment this week: hearing a healthy heartbeat
Have you told family and friends: Yes....and now all of my students know : )
Miss Anything? not this week
Movement: I may have felt a little fish?!?! Waiting for something more obvious.
Food cravings: not really
Anything making you queasy or sick: just gagging when I brush my teeth
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender prediction: It's a BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In and the belly button ring is officially out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: this week.....worried
Weekly Wisdom: Stay calm
Looking forward to: decorating the nursery : )
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